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Here is where you’ll find information on where to park when you stay with us.

Garage (Grieg Park / Q-park)

  • Parking can be reserved in advance: No
  • Distance to hotel: 400 m
Weekday prices
Price per hour 46 NOK
Price per day 280 NOK
Price per 24 hours 280 NOK
Weekend prices
Price per hour 46 NOK
Price per night 280 NOK
Price per 24 hours 280 NOK

Outdoor parking (Klostergarasjen (15% discount for hotelguests using parking app))

  • Parking can be reserved in advance: No
  • Distance to hotel: 600 m
Weekday prices
Price per hour 46 NOK
Price per day 280 NOK
Price per 24 hours 280 NOK
Weekend prices
Price per hour 46 NOK
Price per day 280 NOK
Price per 24 hours 280 NOK