Scandic Paasi, clothing at reception
Scandic Paasi, clothing at reception coutryard scandic paasi hotel hakaniemi helsinki finland

Scandic Paasi

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Meetings, Conferences & Events

Hotel Scandic Paasi is adjacent to the Paasitorni Congress & Meeting Centre in the Siltasaari district of Helsinki. The meeting complex at Paasitorni has nearly 30 functional, inspiring, historic, and modern rooms for up to 800 participants.

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The Paasitorni Congress Center hosts almost 30 functional, flexible spaces with character from 8 to 800 people next to hotel Scandic Paasi. Our hotel, meeting centre and restaurants form a lively and customer-centred complex, which offer direct access from one part of the building to another through indoor passages and our courtyard. Additional information about our meeting and conference facilities at Paasitorni can be found at