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Here is where you’ll find information on where to park when you stay with us.

Garage (Apcoa Parking)

  • Number of charging points for electric cars: 6
  • Charging prices provided by the charging provider.
  • Parking can be reserved in advance: No
  • Distance to hotel: m
Weekday prices
Price per 24 hours 115 NOK
Weekend prices
Price per 24 hours 115 NOK

Outdoor parking (Apcoa Parking)

  • Number of charging points for electric cars: 4
  • Charging prices provided by the charging provider.
  • Parking can be reserved in advance: No
  • Distance to hotel: m
  • Price range:
    115 - 130 NOK
Weekday prices
Price per 24 hours 115 NOK
Weekend prices
Price per 24 hours 115 NOK