Accessibility at this hotel
Scroll down to find out more about how many accessible rooms we have as well room details, parking and more.
- Wide main entrance door (non revolving) with minimum width of 80 cm
- Wheelchair access by ramp or lift at main entrance
- Door/s can be opened automatically at main entrance (All Scandic)
- Night time door bell accessible from wheelchair (max height 120 cm) (All Scandic)
- No threshold at entrance door (All Scandic)
- Seating available close to main entrance (All Scandic)
Public areas - Other
- Corridors in hotel accessible with wheelchair
- Service / guide dogs allowed in hotel (All Scandic)
Meeting areas
- Disability toilet available in meeting and conference areas
- Meeting and conference floor / area accessible with wheelchair
- Meeting room door with minimum 80 cm width
- Number of disability toilets available: 2
- Seating available outside meeting room/s
- Clear signage of hearing loop in meeting and conference areas (All Scandic)
- Portable hearing loop available for meeting rooms (All Scandic)
Disability rooms
- Bed height is 55 cm from floor to top of mattress
- Bed on legs
- Wardrobe without doors or with sliding doors
- Minimum of 80 cm free floor space around the bed
- Wooden floors in room
- Number of disability rooms: 1
- Other width of room door when open: 85
- Width of disability room door minimum of 80 cm when open
- TV remote on side table (all scandic hotels)
Disability rooms - bathroom
- Available free space in bathroom: x
- No threshold into shower
- Single lever basin mixer
- Thermostatic mixer in shower
- Wash basin minimum height 78 cm
- Width of bathroom door is at least 80 cm wide
- Bathroom towels reachable from wheelchair (All Scandic)
- Handrail on the inside of the bathroom door if door opens outwards (All Scandic)
- Toilet paper reachable from toilet (All Scandic)
- View in mirror from wheelchair (All Scandic)
Public areas - Reception
- Seating and table available close to front desk
- Cane holders at front desk (All Scandic)
- Clear signs of hearing loop and wake up alarm (All Scandic)
- Clear walkway between reception and lifts (All Scandic)
- Clear walkway to reception from entrance (All Scandic)
- Hearing induction loop in reception desk (All Scandic)
- Vibrating wake up/fire alarm device can be borrowed from hotel reception (All Scandic)
Public areas - Restaurant and bar
- Buffet breakfast has appropriate height (max 90 cm) for guests in wheelchairs
- Level differences in restaurant
- Other width of walkway to restaurant: 130cm
- Parts of restaurant that is not accessible with wheelchair
- Walkway to restaurant is at least 100 cm wide
- Walkway to bar is at least 100 cm wide
Public areas - Lifts and stairs
- At least one lift with door widht of 80 cm when open
- Door opener or automatic door/s avaliable for lift
- Control panel buttons marked in Braille inside lift
Public areas - Public toilets
- Accessible bathroom/s available in public areas
- Bathroom door is at least 80 cm wide
- Foldable armrests by the toilet
- Number of disability bathrooms available: 2
- Wash basin minimum height of 78 cm
- Disabled parking
- Distance from parking to entrance (m): 5 m
- Number of disabled parking bays with min width of 3.6 m each: 2
- Parking bays clearly marked with disabled symbols: 2
- Staff trained to cater for disabled guests (All Scandic)