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Here is where you’ll find information on where to park when you stay with us.

The hotel does not have any parking affiliated with the hotel. The best parking option however is located just 150 meters from the hotel. It is called «Fjellet P-Hus» and is open 24/7.

Price list as of 01.08.24
Mon-Sat between 08.00 and 18.00 - NOK 40 per hour
Other hours – NOK 20 per hour
Max per day – NOK 400

The municipal parking can also be used for a maximum of 2 hours during the day for NOK 47 per hour.

Outdoor parking (Fjellet P-Hus)

  • Number of charging points for electric cars: 2
  • Charging prices provided by the charging provider.
  • Parking can be reserved in advance: No
  • Number of parking spots: 0
  • Distance to hotel: 150 m