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Here is where you’ll find information on where to park when you stay with us.

Parking with us or near our hotel

Prebook and pay your parking space through the service Pair. Prices listed below.

Garage Book

  • Number of charging points for electric cars: 12
  • Charging prices provided by the charging provider.
  • Parking can be reserved in advance: Yes
  • Number of parking spots: 45
  • Distance to hotel: 0 m
  • Price range:
    200 - 200 SEK
Weekday prices
Price per 24 hours 200 SEK
Weekend prices
Price per 24 hours 200 SEK

Outdoor parking

  • Number of charging points for electric cars: 8
  • Charging prices provided by the charging provider.
  • Parking can be reserved in advance: Yes
  • Number of parking spots: 38
  • Distance to hotel: 0 m
Weekday prices
Price per 24 hours 150 SEK