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Gym and wellness

With us, you can take a session in the gym and enjoy the good conscience. Or take a swim in the pool located in the water park, connected to the hotel via a tunnel. Entrance fee to the pool.

Feel24 is located in the same building as the water park which you can reach from the hotel via tunnel. Open 24/7. The resception has a limited amount of access cards.

Indoor pool

NB: Nordlysbadet er stengt i perioden 19 august til 27 oktober 2024 grunnet vedlikehold. Bassenget ligger i badelandet, som er tilknyttet hotellet via tunnel. Åpningstider: med forbehold om fellesferier og helligdager. Rabatterte priser ved visning av romnøkkel. The indoor pool is located in the water park which you can reach from the hotel via tunnel. Opening hours: can be changed during public holidays and holidays. Discounted prices when showing your room key.


External gym: Feel24
Distance To Gym: 20