Eggs en cocotte

Perfect weekend breakfast – Eggs en cocotte

There are countless recipes for eggs. We recommend that you try this version – baked eggs, or as they say in French: Oeufs en cocotte. There’s no limit to what ingredients can be used – use whatever's in your fridge and what you like. They go very well with toasted bread slices. Bon appetit! 

Photo: Christian Løken, Balder Film


  • 4 Servings
  • 4 eggs
  • Tomato salsa: 2-3 tomatoes, 1 red onion, 3 sprigs of basil, salt and pepper (to taste)
  • Mustard sauce: 2 dl crème fraïche, 2 tablespoons rough Dijon mustard
  • Bread slices: ½ bread, approx. 1 dl olive oil, sliced garlic, salt and pepper


1. Set the oven to 200°C 

2. Salsa: Finely chop all the ingredients, mix them together with salt and pepper to taste (you may season the salsa with chilli, garlic and lime).

3. Mustard sauce: Mix the ingredients together

4. Use portion sized moulds and put them in an ovenproof dish with hot water.

5. Add the mustard sauce at the bottom of the mould, crack an egg in each mould and top it with salsa.

6. Bake the cocotte in the oven for approx. 15 minutes until the egg white is stiff, but the yolk is still soft.

7. Bread slices: Cut the bread into slices. Turn them in oil, garlic, salt and pepper and toast them in the pan or oven until the bread slices are crisp.