Spend the weekend in Turku

There are many things to see and do in Finland’s oldest city that will keep you entertained for the entire weekend. Interesting restaurants, versatile shopping opportunities and unique attractions provide interest all year round.

The best tips for a weekend break

The heart of the city is formed by the Market Square and the Aura river and riverbank within a short walking distance. It is easy to move around in Turku, and distances are short.

Unique restaurant experiences

Turku has one of Finland’s most interesting selections of restaurants. Many of the best restaurants in the city, such as Mami, Pinella and Tårget, can be found in the historical milieu by the Aura river. The legendary Kaskis is a restaurant for which it is worth travelling longer distances. Turku is also known for its distinctive pubs. Pubs established in old institutions, such as Panimoravintola Koulu, Uusi Apteekki, The Old Bank and The WaterLoo, are destinations worth a visit. The Aura river restaurant boats extend their offering in the summertime.

Attractions on both sides of the river

On one side of the Aura river are the Cathedral, Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova, Wäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art and the Turku City Theatre. On the other, the Market Square, the library, the Forum Marinum and Turku Castle. Also, Logomo brings an interesting addition to the city’s cultural offering.

Shopping in Turku – three tips for shopping!

  • Fortuna shopping centre – In KUI Design Local Shop and Klo Design you can find locally designed and produced individual clothes, clothing accessories and interior design products.
  • In the hundred or so boutiques in the Market Hall, you can find local delicacies and small restaurants
  • You can shop in three large shopping centres in the Turku area: Hansa in the centre of Turku, Skanssi along the main road to Helsinki and Mylly in Raisio.

Select a hotel and spend a weekend break in Turku!

Scandic has four hotels in Turku’s best locations.