Stefan Groenveld

The photographer Stefan Groenveld has accompanied the group Viva con Agua on trips to well-building projects in Nepal and Uganda, among others. These trips gave rise to some stunning photographs, which can be seen in superior plus rooms 802 and 803.

Stefan Groenveld has been on many trips with Viva con Agua and describes his work as follows: “The camera is the key for me. It opens doors and allows me to enter the lives of other people. I view these intimate moments as a privilege. An opportunity. And each of these instants changes me and my perspective. I’ve experienced a great many of these wonderful moments with Viva con Agua.”

Room 802 contains pictures that were taken on a project trip to Nepal:

the majority of the Nepalese population has secure access to drinking water. However, access to basic sanitary facilities continues to represent a great challenge. One focus of the project in Chitwan is for schools in the area of the project. Some children have to travel a long way to reach school, making it even more important that the schools can provide them with clean drinking water and access to toilets.

On a further project trip to Uganda, Stefan Groenveld captured images that can be seen in room 803.

The situation in the Karamoja region of Uganda continues to cause concern: in the national statistics on safe drinking water provision and the problem of open defecation, the seven districts of Karamoja are regularly bottom of the rankings. The main aim of the project is to improve the health and economic performance of the communities thereby reinforcing the long-term access to water, sanitary and hygiene facilities (WASH) and associated services.

To find out more about photographer Stefan Groenveld you can visit his website: